时间:2008-06-20 来源:作者:
a. 需要深入行业,理解国内外市场;
b. 具有正确独立判断项目的能力;
c. 能够透彻地分析、提供使人信服的分析报告;
d. 能够熟练应用中英文,独立按时完成工作;
e. 具有较强的金融和财务背景及相关知识, 良好的沟通能力;
f. 需要一定数量的差旅,能够承受工作压力;
g. 要求一流大学本科以上学历,研究生或在读研究生优先考虑。
Hiring an investment analyst
Allport America Inc. is a
1. He/she should be capable of understanding certain industries deeply and integrated with domestic and international market with his/her own perspective;
2. The candidate must have ability to judge a project independently and correctly;
3. He/she should be able to analyze thoroughly to provide a high-quality and convincible report;
4. A successful applicant should be proficient in both English and Chinese and work independently within a reasonable time period;
5. Strong background in accounting and finance with extensive knowledge related will be essential and communication skill is important.
6. The job needs some travel and he/she must be able to work under pressure.
7. An undergraduate degree is required, and a graduate degree (or upcoming) is preferred.