

  11月28日英属哥伦比亚大学的Sven Clarke先生将到yh1122银河国际对UBC相关的交流进行宣讲,欢迎各位有兴趣前往国外留学或者有意愿申UBC相关交流项目的同学前来!

  UBC is now accepting applications to the LLM CL program for September, 2012.
  Senior Student Advisor Sven Clarke will provide an overview of UBC’s Masters of Law (LLM) Common Law program. The LLM CL program is suited for students who are studying law and wish to earn a Master’s degree at a top 22 globally ranked university located in Vancouver, considered one of the best places in the world to live.
  Sven will guide and support you throughout the application process if you are interested in applying to UBC.
   Learn about:
  1.Career opportunities with a LLM CL
  2.Living and working in Canada after graduation
  3.Personal one on one support throughout the application process
